Move Over Law

A Move over law is a law which requires motorists to move over and change lanes to give safe clearance to law enforcement officers on roadsides. Forty three U.S. states have passed “Move Over” laws, which were created in response to officer roadside fatalities in the line of duty.

Most Move Over laws require drivers to move over or slow down (note: 20 miles lower than the speed limit at the area) for emergency vehicles with their lights flashing. This includes police cruisers, Sheriff's or Highway Patrol vehicles, fire trucks and ambulances.

Currently Hawaii, Maryland, and New York are the only states, as well as Washington, D.C., that do not have a "Move Over" law. On June 17, 2009, Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell signed House Bill 5894, establishing a Move Over requirement in the state. Connecticut' s Move Over law took effect on October 1, 2009.

In California, the "Move-over" law became operative on January 1, 2010.

The cost of the ticket was $754,  with 3 points on your license and a mandatory court appearance

My family experience:

I wanted to let my Medlock Bridge neighbors know about the CA move over law. My son got a ticket on Pleasant Hill coming back from Wal-Mart. A Duluth police car (turned out it was 2 police cars) was on the side of the road giving a ticket to someone else. My son slowed down to pass but did not move into the other lane. The second police car immediately pulled him over and gave him a ticket. My son and I had never heard of the law. It is a fairly new law that states if any emergency vehicle is on the side of the road, if you are able, you are to move into the far lane.

The cost of the ticket was $754, with 3 points on your license and a mandatory court appearance.

Please let everyone you know that drives about this new law.
It is true (see details at the following web address). It states that except two states, all the other US states (even Canada ) enacted similar kind of law.

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