Secret of Happy Married Life

Once Mathai asked Kuttappan, "You always seem to enjoy your married life.
What is the secret behind your happy married life?"

Kuttappan said, "You should share responsibilities with due love and respect to each other. Then absolutely there will be no problems."

"Can you explain?" asked Mathai.

Kuttappan said, "In my house, I take decisions on bigger issues where as my wife decides on smaller issues. We do not interfere in each other's decisions."
Still not convinced, Mathai asked Kuttappan "Give me some examples"

Kuttappan said, "Smaller issues like which car we should buy, how much amount to save, when to visit home town, which Sofa, air conditioner, refrigerator to buy, monthly expenses, whether to keep a maid or not, etc. are decided by my wife. I just agree to it"

Mathai asked, "Then what is your role?"

Kuttappan said, "My decisions are only for very big issues...."

Like whether America should attack Iraq , whether Britain should lift sanction over Zimbabwe , whether to widen African economy, whether Sachin Tendulkar should retire etc.
Do you know one thing, my wife NEVER objects to any of these and we live happily".

That is the secret of my happy married life.

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