
You must learn respect for yourself before you learn to respect others.

Things You'll Need:

·         Discipline
·         Want to Change

1.    Step 1

You have to recognize your character defects. Think about what people complain about you the most. Start with improving that character defect.

2.    Step 2

Present yourself well. Clean up yourself, attitude and your language.

3.    Step 3

Say positive things about others whenever possible. Try not to be negative. Try to be encouraging to others. Offer solutions to a problem. Do not feed into others negativity or your own.

4.    Step 4

People do not appreciate it when you act superior to them. Always respect other people’s opinions even if they are wrong. An opinion is just what it is it is not worth nothing everyone has one.

5.    Step 5

Do not prejudge people regardless of what others have told you. Maybe that person is trying to change there ways as well. Just like you! Remember change is a process.

6.    Step 6

Value yourself then others not possessions. Friendship is worth more then anything you can posses.

7.    Step 7

Keep your home, and surroundings clean and well kept. Your neighbors will respect you. This is always a plus for your property value and for your neighborhood.

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