Barbara's Angel Story

Awhile back, I included a Beliefnet interview with Joan Wester Anderson as a second post after my video on guardian angels. On the message board of that interview, Beyond Blue reader Barbara shared this story:
I don't know why things happen as they do, but I do know when I am in control and when something/someone else is.

Example: My son and I were very poor, and we were just sitting and relaxing. Our joke was always, "if we ever get extra money, we will go shopping at the mall." Well, no extra money, no mall.

On this relaxing day, I suddenly knew I was to head toward the mall. "Come on, we must go to the mall." My son never questioned my actions, so into the car and toward the mall.

As I approached a yellow light, which I usually run, I saw a rag.

"Look at the rag in the street," I said.

The light was about to change, and I saw that the rag was a child. I jumped out of the car, and ran to the child. I took a second to decide what to do: it is a criminal offense if I hurt the child in trying to help him.

Then, without waiting, I picked the child up just as the cars were coming at us, and went to the sidewalk. The child was unconscious.

Soon the parents came. The child had fallen out of their car and they didn't miss him for awhile.

They called an ambulance, and my son and I returned.

I knew in my heart that we were never to go to the mall. We were to be at that light just before red turned to green and the cars crushed the child.

His angel was on duty, I have no doubt in this at all. This was out of my character, so it was not anything that could be explained away with something I do on a normal basis.

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