Where Celebrities Find Spirituality

Where Celebrities Find Spirituality

Many of the celebrities Beliefnet has interviewed find spirituality in the things they do every day--whether it's playing an instrument, being out in nature, or even teeing off for a round of golf.

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, Actors

Kurt Russell Goldie Hawn Find spirituality in meditation and in nature

"We live in this crazy world, full of jobs, and we have to be there, be-be-be--it's a very demanding, taxing world. The result of meditating is watching your thoughts, detachment from your own precepts of what is right and wrong, things that frustrate you, that you can't grasp and want to grasp onto."

Kurt's [spirituality] is being out in nature. He can sit out and look at the lake for hours. It's an interesting mind; it's not very tumultuous."

At the end of the gallery, read the complete interviews with the featured celebrities.

Dennis Quaid, Actor

Dennis Quaid Finds spirituality in golf

"It's about your inner self. You always bump up against what you'd like to be and the reality of what you are. It's a test, a journey. You find out a lot about yourself and other people you play with, who they really are, by playing golf. You have conversations, you see how you react to adversity. It's great."

Patricia Heaton, Actor

Patricia Heaton Finds spirituality in comedy

"I think there's a difference when you make fun of yourself and your own behavior, and when you dishonor or disrespect Christ. If you're making a mockery of Christ [that's] one thing, but if you're just joking about human foibles and weaknesses, I think that's perfectly acceptable. And if you're Christian and you go to church, there's a lot of stuff you see that drives you crazy, that you can make fun of, and everybody who's a Christian knows that."

Obviously I love comedy, so I definitely think that people can really be reached through it. When you bring people into a place where they're comfortable and they're enjoying themselves, they're more open to hearing a message. Bottom line is, we're all human beings, and so there's always funny things to joke about."

Nick Nolte, Actor

Nick Nolte Finds spirituality in gardening

"[My] garden is so evolved. Everything is raised high now, so you don't ever bend over. The black raspberries [are] about to come in. There's just row after row after row of black raspberries, and invariably I'll find somebody laying on their back in the raspberry patch, purple juice all around their face."

Rosanne Cash, Singer/Songwriter

Rosanne Cash Finds spirituality in music

"Bruce Springsteen can be deeply spiritual to me. Lou Reed's record "Magic and Loss" is profoundly spiritual. Annie Lennox's song "Why" is profoundly spiritual to me. It doesn't have to have context for me to find it spiritual, it doesn't have to be framed and labeled as being of God or of the spirit for me to find it spiritual. That word "spiritual" just means that it resonates with the spirit. And that could be anything-that could be art, music, it could be my 7-year-old son's paintings of Bionicles, because it comes straight from his little soul, and he loves it. It's all communion with God, isn't it?"

Rick Allen, Drummer for Def Leppard

Rick Allen Finds spirituality in drumming

"[I remember] walking down the street as a kid next to the big bass drums of a marching band. That sound feeds my soul. In the early days the perfect show, the really good performance eluded me, but now it doesn't because all I do is give it up to God. And acknowledge that I'm not in the driving seat."

Marilyn Manson, Shock-Rocker

Marilyn Manson Finds spirituality in art

"I find God to be what exists in what you create. I make music. I think that that's coming in touch with God when I write a story, when I come up with a phrase or paint a picture, because that's about creating. Art gives people a reason to be alive. It gives people something to believe in. I think art is the only thing that's spiritual in the world. And I refuse to be forced to believe in other people's interpretations of God. I don't think anybody should be. There's no one person that can own the copyright to what God means."

Alice Walker, Writer

Alice Walker Finds spirituality in silence

"Everything does come out of silence. And once you get that, it's wonderful to be able to go there and live in silence until you're ready to leave it. I've written and published seven novels and many, many, many stories and essays. And each and every one came out of basically nothing--that's how we think of silence, is not having anything. But I have experienced silence as being incredibly rich."

Rebecca St. James, Christian Pop Singer

Rebecca St. James Finds spirituality in journaling

"There's something very clarifying about putting your thoughts on paper or on the computer. I also think it helps to be able to look back and see the things that you've learned and the progress you've made. I try to journal, especially when God's taught me something profound, just so that I remember it."

Chad Butler, Drummer for Switchfoot

Chad Butler Finds spirituality in surfing

"I think there's nothing better then being out as the sun is setting. Sometimes I'll surf alone and just be out there with God and the dolphins. Those are amazing experiences. Surfing falls between sport and art-somewhere in the middle there. Waves are essentially blank canvases and I think there's definitely an amazing connection between art, nature, and sport and that doesn't happen very often. It's a very special thing. Most of my experiences revolve around going surfing with the guys in a group and just having a good time. It's not always the super meditative moment. Those are very few and far between-when all the elements align."

Iyanla Vanzant, Author

Iyanla Vanzant Finds spirituality in prayer journaling

"Sometimes we pray in our heads and we never get a real opportunity to solidify what it is that we're praying for or what we're praying about. Once you write it down, it's like a flow. It comes out and you solidify the thought or the idea or the request. And when you look back, you really are surprised at how many of your prayers have actually been answered."

Dean Roland, Guitarist for Collective Soul

Dean Roland Finds spirituality in playing guitar

"Playing on stage, there's a lot of different things going on. You're playing the role of entertainer, so it becomes less personal. But you're always trying to make it personal--to share that experience with thousands of other people [in the audience] and the four guys on the stage."

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