The Richest People In America: James Kennedy

#50 James Kennedy

$6.5 billion
Source Media/Entertainment, Inherited

Age 60
Marital Status Married, 3 children

Hometown Atlanta, GA, United States
Education University of Denver, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Grandson of James M. Cox (d. 1957), who worked as a newspaper reporter before buying Dayton Evening News for $26,000 in 1898. Merged into politics; 3-term Ohio governor, 1920 presidential candidate alongside veep FDR. Cox Enterprises media empire includes nation's third largest cable television company, 17 daily newspapers, 15 TV stations, 86 radio stations; company also also active in auto industry with used car retailer Manheim, Cox Auto Trader. Kennedy now Cox Enterprises chief executive. Inherited 25% stake in company after mother, Barbara Cox Anthony, died in 2007.

Complete List The Richest People In America

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