Number of sexual partner survey

Durex Global Sex Survey Result
Number of sexual partner
(click picture to enlarge)
  • Globally, people have had an average number of nine sexual partners
  • Men have had more sexual partners than women - 10.2 compared with 6.9
  • The Turks have had more partners than any other country (14.5), compared with Australians (13.3), New Zealanders (13.2) and Icelanders (13)
  • Indians have had the fewest sexual partners (3) compared with the Chinese (3.1), the Vietnamese (3.2) and those from Hong Kong (3.7)
  • Almost two thirds (65%) of people in Hong Kong have had just one sexual partner, compared to 12% in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Greece
See Other Results:
Durex Global Sex Survey

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