Your Financial Prayers


In the midst of an economic downturn people turn to a multitude of methods to create financial breakthroughs in their life. Prayer has become a big part of the methodology as seen in the Church of England's creation of a new prayer for the current financial situation . Beliefnet has also seen an exponential increase in the number of finance related prayer requests.

Praying for Her Family

My husband started a job five months ago and was laid off the day before Thanksgiving. We have 2 babies (9 month old & 2 year old) but don't qualify for any help--we have only one income and are in danger of losing our home. We feel like we are hitting walls. We only have each other and are trying to remain positive for our kids sake. Please pray for strength, courage, and help. Thank you. --GenaC68

Praying for Triumph Over Foreclosure

I pray that the Poyner family will be able to save their home from foreclosure.

Unfortunately since there was a job loss in the family, the bank is considering foreclosure on the family home. Please pray that this family will come through triumphant! --momasahn

Praying to Get Out of a Bind

The house that my son and I occupy is in foreclosure and we are in need of deep prayer. I’m a low income single parent. I don’t know what to do if we were to lose this house. My son and I would not have a place to stay. Please help us. --THE2BOYS

Praying for Another Job

Prayer Circle

I am on social security disability and Larry lost his job the first Friday in December. Please pray for my wonderful husband Larry.

I take 14 different meds and as of 12/31/08 we have no insurance coverage. Larry is recovering from double knee surgery he had done on 12/18/08. With God's wondrous help he is no longer using a walker and is now only using a cane. --burplepatti

Praying for a Lessened Financial Burden

I am asking for prayers for my boyfriend Jeff to find a job. He has been out of work for nearly three years and this has caused a financial burden for us. I am disabled and suffer from chronic pain after five major back surgeries and nerve damage that cannot be fixed. We live on my social security disability and every month we have to choose what bill not to pay so that we can keep food on the table. --marymac56

Praying for Peace

I need prayer for peace in my family. I am living with my child and my other children need a home and a car. I have a job. I have a daughter that is expecting and I pray for a safe delivery for her. I need financial help to get on my feet and support my family in a good way. --classyonemc

Praying for the Means to Improve Health

Prayer Circle

My husband and I both have diabetes, and with finances in a crunch I would like prayers to have the means to improve our health. --msmith1006

Praying for a Friend In Need

I have a friend who is really struggling. He has no job or money. He has a very limited family and a small number of friends. What he does have is his church and God. He really needs help. He is on the verge of losing his home.

He gave up his main career to take care of his mother in 2001. It was a very good life for the both of them. She passed away in 2007. He has struggled ever since. --hubiesz

Praying for Immediate Help

Please pray that my family can get the help we need ASAP. My husband is unemployed, I was sick and missed a few weeks of work, we've had many car repairs in the last year that have totaled over $7000, and many other issues have prevented us from paying our bills on time. Now we are so behind that we could get evicted and will have our electric shut off by the end of the week. Please pray for us. Thank you. --Gabrielssong

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