What Would You Do with $80K and a Year Off?

20090413_lady_146x97.jpgThe top emailed story on the New York Times website today is about a high-powered corporate law firm that's offering employees a year off in exchange for one-third of their base-pay. For employee Heather Eisenlord this means $80,000. She'll be travelling around the world--possibly stopping to teach monks English in Nepal and bringing solar power to parts of the Himalayas. Others at the firm taking the offer will be caring for sick relatives or kids, finishing a Ph.D., and at least one another will be traveling the world.

Sounds dreamy, no? I think it might take me a month of decompressing to even begin to decide what I would plan, but there would be book-writing, travelling, beach-hopping, and art-making involved.

What would you do with a free, well-financed year?

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