A Prayer for Financial Faith and Courage

Take a moment to connect with a quiet inner place of calm knowing deep down inside yourself. Know this place as your connection to God. As you connect with this place, consider the challenges that are before you in your life today. Perhaps in this place you can begin to feel that your problems somehow seem less difficult, your options more positive.

With regard to your financial circumstances, it is important for you to know and trust that you CAN get through your difficulties, that you WILL get through them. Know that even if you don't believe in yourself, that God believes in YOU.

Your faith in God is important. It is a partnership. Accept that God does believe in you and is delighted to be your partner.

Try this simple prayer and see how it feels to you:

Dear God,

Thank you for having faith in me,

Even in those times when I don't believe in myself.

Thank you for believing that I will find a way to live my life

and follow your plan for my life, even though I feel utterly lost.

Please help me to know and understand

That I can take action to improve my circumstances

And that you desire for me to do so.

Guide me to follow the right actions

In accordance with your ever-unfolding plan for me.


Peace & Blessings!

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