Meditation: Take In Healing Breath

A reflective exercise to help your breath be a source of healing, even if you suffer from allergies or asthma.

BY: Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway and
Rev. Vic Fuhrman

For some individuals, asthma is characterized by chronic respiratory impairment. In others it is acute and marked by episodic symptoms that may result from a number of triggering events.

An asthma attack can constrict and narrow your breathing passages. The airways are inflamed and may fill with mucus. You may wheeze, cough uncontrollably or feel like something is stuck in your throat.

Sometimes it comes upon you suddenly and you feel as if you can barely breathe. The struggle to catch your breath is frightening. It can feel lost and seems irretrievable.

The panic and fear response can constrict your breathing even more.

I always have emergency asthma medicines handy, but I now practice surrendering to the moment. I know that when a surprise asthma attack comes on that it may take some time to restore my air flow. I practice sacred breathing in moments of calm so that all of the cells of my body remember how to relax during an attack. Although I haven’t perfected it this definitely helps me relax!

Meditation Begins

Sit in a comfortable position in a place where you will have at least ten minutes without interruption. Uncross your legs, let your feet gently rest on the floor, relax your arms and place your hands comfortably upon your lap. Allow your eyes to close slowly, relax the muscles in your face and begin to focus on your breath.


Take in the breath of life.

The source of your being.

The very essence of the Divine


Let go of carbon dioxide.

Negative energy

And the upsets that sometimes take your breath away.


Take in oxygen.

And nutrients

And God’s healing love.


Release the part of you that doesn't want to breathe.

That feels stuck in a confined place.

That is afraid to embrace life

The ancients considered breath to be the life force.

In Genesis, the Bible refers to God breathing the breath of life into clay to make Adam a living soul.

Every one who was ever born came alive with their first breath.

We all deserve to breathe. And breathe easily. It is our birth right.

Sometimes things occur in life to bring dis-ease to our breathing ability.

Asthma calls upon us to search our souls for its root causes,

And to help ourselves heal by unraveling its mystery ...

and discovering the spiritual source of our despair as well as the physical triggers for our breathing issues.

Relax into your breath...

And know that your air flows freely.

Like a gentle easy breeze.

As you relax with your breath, say to yourself the following affirmations:

I am a beautiful person. I deserve health, well-being and love.

I am a kind-hearted person. I deserve ease, gentleness and grace.

I am one with nature, the universe and the divine…

The breath of life is my birthright.

I breathe easily, fully and with joy!

Begin to return your focus to the present place and time. Gently move your body.

As you return to awareness, take three deep cleansing breaths at your own pace and Level of comfort.

Allow your breath to return to normal and when you feel ready, open your eyes.

May the beauty of nature, a lover’s embrace or a perfect sunset be the only things that Take your breath away…and only for a perfect moment!

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