Let's Talk Phobias

Fresh Living blogger Holly Lebowitz Rossi has written two great posts on phobias which made me think of that piece I wrote awhile back, "Feel the Fear But Don't Be a Moron," when the Bay Bridge run was cancelled, thank God, considering my fear of heights.

First Holly faces her doctor phobias, when she has to get a throat culture. Man, did I hate those as a kid (just like she did). She writes:

When I was a kid, throat cultures were screeching, Mom-bribing-with-candy-rewards, "We need more nurses!" affairs for me. I know I'm not the only one to feel this way (I heard screaming in other rooms at the pediatrician's office....). But I never recovered 100% from it, never emerged as a functional throat-culture accepting adult. The sight of a nurse or doctor peeling back the plastic seal to expose the cotton swab sends me into a shaky sweat to this day.

But she does it! You're going to have to read her account. I feel guilty stealing it.

And then Holly gives us a second success story ... a woman who conquered her fear of the deep end right there at the aquacise class that Holly takes! Holly writes:

From times when I've overcome some of my own fears, I recognized the look on Susan's face. She was listening raptly to the answers to her questions, but she didn't quite believe our assurances. She needed enough confidence from us to get her into the pool. From there, she would have to see for herself.

Which she did. She gasped with excitement when she discovered not only that she could be comfortable in water that was over her head, but she could keep up with the exercises without fear of going under. She shouted, "I'm so proud of myself!" We gave her a round of applause at the end of class.

After reading the two success stories, I ALMOST wanted to sign up for the Bay Bridge run again. On second thought, I think I'll conquer that one another year.

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