John McManamy: Play, People, Play!

Awhile back, fellow blogger John McManamy and I were talking about the dull process of becoming an adult, and how important it is to retain our playful spirits, especially if you're battling a mood disorder. Well, he certainly took my homework assignment seriously! In Monday's post, he features a video of kittens at play. It made me want to shut down for the day and build a fort or something.

I also like his words of wisdom on play. You should go check out his post, which you can get to by clicking here. He writes:

What happens to us when we get older? Are we programmed to actually forget how to be happy?

Remember what it was like when you were five? When you and your friends had that feeling of never wanting to stop? Until your moms called you in for dinner?

Why can't we bring back some of that?

Trust me, I will be writing an awful lot on this. Play is a vital element in our recovery. So much so, I contend, that if you are not spending at least part of your time acting like a child then getting through adulthood is going to pose a major challenge.

In the meantime, in case you have forgotten what play is like, here is a video from my two resident experts, Rocky and Bullwinkle at age six weeks. Enjoy ...

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