Exploring New Job Possibilites

When I'm working with clients who are unemployed or considering a career transition, I always have them do an exercise I call the "Life Inventory Process." While resumes are important and good to have updated regularly, it is equally important to get clear about what your skills, talents and abilities are which is not always reflected in the typical resume. In fact, most resumes look more like a chronological fact sheet about our job history than a true representation of our full potential.

It's not uncommon when you are unemployed to experience a drop in self-esteem, which can cause you to become disconnected from your gifts. This can be problematic because if you are not connected to your abilities, then how can you speak clearly about your strengths in an interview with a potential employer?

The "Life Inventory Process" is designed to help you to become clear about what I call "Your Unique Offering." Doing this process will allow you to gain clarity about all that you have to offer a potential employer which, unfortunately, a simple resume seldom does completely.
The "Life Inventory Process" is a good way to address this issue. Here's how it works:

1.Make a list of your life's "Highlights and Achievements" beginning with grammar school to present day. Include areas of your life where you shined when you were a child such as sports, art, school etc... Remember even little successes help you to reconnect to your gifts and achievements. The purpose of this exercise is to help you connect with aspects of yourself that you may have forgotten by helping you recall the successes in your life.

When you are done, hang this up somewhere in your house as a reminder of what you've done well in your life and to boost your self esteem. Note: This is a self-esteem building exercise, don't give this to a potential employer.

2. Now make a list of your "Personal Assets" which should include all of your skills, talents and abilities that you've acquired during your lifetime through education, life experience and work experience. These "Personal Assets" are your gifts and they are an integral part of who you are. You own these gifts outright and the knowledge of them can never be taken from you. Now, review your list to see if there are possible job opportunities that you've overlooked. Ask yourself, what other options might be a good utilization of some of your experience and gifts?

For example, during a career transition a few years ago, one of my clients recalled that as a child she was very good with animals. She used to walk dogs in her neighborhood to make pocket money. Once she reconnected with this gift, she realized that it would make a great career and now she owns a successful doggie daycare business. So anything is possible!

In addition to following yesterday's Six Steps to Follow Following a Job Loss, you might also check out Victoria Moran's 10 Prosperity Affirmations. Doing daily affirmations are a great way to stay focused on what you do want and to staying positive.

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