Enriching Your Life with Gratitude

Did you know that practicing gratitude can actually improve your brain function and overall physical and emotional well-being? Well, it's true.

Brain scans and research conducted by renown psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen showed a significant improvement in brain function following the practice of gratitude. For years now, spiritual leaders and psychologists have claimed that a positive attitude can help heal our lives, but now we know that the simple act of gratitude can actually improve our physical and emotional well-being. And it's free!

Some of the distinct benefits of a daily dose of gratitude include:

  • Increased joy in the simple things in life.
  • Ability to recover quickly from life's setbacks and disappointments.
  • Improved relationships - people prefer to be around people who are grateful.
  • Greater physical stamina and energy.
  • Increased happiness and acceptance.
Here's a Blessing for today:

"Gracious God, my heart is ready to burst with joy. I feel like a flower wanting to push through the dark winter soil to display its beauty to the world. I want everyone to feel the wonder of life that I feel at this moment. Let my wonder and joy shine so that those who are under a veil of sadness this day, may find their sorrows lifted, if only for a moment. I ask this for the sake of your love. Amen." ~Renee Miller

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