Become More Prosperous Through Generosity

With so many people in financial crisis, I've been thinking more and more about what I can do
to help those in need. Doing this blog is one way that I hope to be of help, but I also wanted to give more direct service so I volunteered to do a Money Coaching workshop at a homeless shelter in my community recently.

It was a very humbling and powerful experience that I would highly recommend. The people were very open in their sharing and grateful for my time and energy. I went in thinking that I was giving something to them, but in fact, I think I received much more from them than I gave. It was truly a blessing.

So, I strongly encourage you to reach out to others in need during this time. You might be surprised by how much richer your life can feel as you practice generosity to others. It is true that the more we consciously give, the more we open our lives to receiving.

WeTV has volunteer drive they are promoting currently that you might want to participate in. They are hoping to get women across the country to donate 24 hours of community service ito projects in their own communities across the nation. Let's see how all of us can make a difference and then report back how giving of yourself enriched your own life.

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