Ten Ways "The Secret" Helped YOU

Ten Ways See how these Beliefnet readers have harnessed the "law of attraction"

The best-selling book and DVD by Rhonda Byrne, "The Secret," has spread around the world. Dozens of Beliefnet members credit the "secret"--the idea that we create our reality with our thoughts--with working miracles in their lives. From money for college to quitting smoking, explore the blessings readers say they received because of "The Secret."

A Special Gift

A Special Gift I believe in the principles of "The Secret" because I have seen it over and over again in my own life. The latest being a swing set my granddaughter wanted for her birthday. I asked if we could be able to provide one for her in some way. Her dad was given one on the job the next day. Miracles happen all the time.

We do have to remember though, this is life. Life is not always roses; it's life. What matters most is how we handle things when things go wrong, big and little things.

-- MikAngl55

Giving Up Smoking

Giving Up Smoking I was sitting in my car over lunch hour listening to the audio CD of "The Secret," declaring my perfect health. I looked over at my hand and there was a half smoked cigarette still burning between my first two fingers. I paused and stared at it for a moment, focusing my attention on it and completely aware. I realized at that moment that my actions were not mirroring my desires and what I actually wanted. I was saying one thing and doing quite another.

I proclaimed to the Universe at that moment "I AM A NON SMOKER", I believed it was true and was done that instant! I believe that I was completely aligned with the Universe and God and at that moment asked for what I wanted, believed I received it, and gave thanks. After 25+ years of smoking I was a non-smoker at that moment and for the rest of my existence.


Attracting Money

Attracting Money I was going through a divorce and said that I wanted $1500 to cover my bills. Well, that very afternoon I got ANOTHER bill for...you guessed it... $1500. What I realize now is that my emotions were wrapped up in the "not having" instead of acknowledging the desire and KNOWing that, in Spirit and in Truth, I already had access to that much money and more. My focus was on the lack and I created that lack.... to the penny. ----WillSea

Creating Wealth

Creating Wealth I remember years ago telling my first Religious Science minister that I had changed my consciousness of money. She then asked me how much money I had in my bank account. I naively said, "That doesn't matter. I've changed my consciousness and I know that things are going to change." [She said], "Don't tell me you've changed your consciousness if you haven't changed your situation." She started asking me how I was budgeting my money, what I was doing to make and invest money. At that time I was stuck in the magical "think pretty thoughts" kind of thinking.

Now, of course, I understand that her whole point was I had to become the kind of person who creates wealth if I want to have wealth, not just affirm "money comes to me easily and effortlessly." The affirmations and other "inner work" are supposed to change you so that you become available to take advantage of opportunity, as they surely will come.


A Unique Business Trip

A Unique Business Trip I was on my way to a four-day business trip and thought I'd ask the universe for an interesting individual to ask me out for dinner. Well, I just got back from my most interesting business trip ever. I had four separate people ask me out for dinner. One guy worked with a major network. He got me passes into a media event and I learned so many new and exciting things about his industry. --rermarkabl

Gifts to a Handyman

Gifts to a Handyman In all the time I've been working as a handyman, I've only had two things stolen from me (and I rarely lock my vehicle); they were a 6' stepladder, and a 50' extension cord. I attribute the fact that I neither got angry, nor complained to others, nor made a police report, to be contributory factors as to why other customers of mine---within 6 months---gave me three 6' ladders and four or five 50' or better extension cords, as well as much more. --Hatman

Money for College

Money for College In high school I needed money to go to college, I needed a teacher who would help me to not fall through the cracks. I ended up finding the perfect person at the last minute, who helped me get $65,000 for college paid in full and every thing I needed including dorms, meal plan, and books. I never saw one penny of the actual physical money but school was paid for. AND I went to the exact school that I wanted to. I never doubted that I would go to college.

I believe [the law of attraction] has always worked for me in some way or another. Even finding my husband, and having all that I have now. I am greatly appreciative to God for all the things in my life. Being grateful helps a lot.


Moments of Gratitude

Moments of Gratitude Today I was driving and was very annoyed with something that happened before I got into the car. Suddenly "The Secret" popped into my mind. I thought "I'd be grateful to feel something else right now." I start expressing my gratitude for everything I was seeing. Spring things in bloom, courteous drivers, my transportation, the weather, my cat, an upcoming trip, a very green field on the side of the road, the color of a roof, many things. I felt so good and can't remember even now what annoyed me.

Every morning and night I spend a few minutes expressing my gratitude for the things I have asked for as though I have already received them.


The Secret to Health

The Secret to Health I think I have been using the secret unknowingly for a long time. I have always said and believed that "God won't let me get sick, as I have too many kids to take care of." I rarely get sick, and rarely caught the illnesses my children had when they were growing up. Plus, I don't like to be sick. I mean, it could be good genes, also, from my mother's side. Or maybe I developed an immunity from being around kids. I think it's probably all of the above, but mostly I didn't believe I couldn't get sick (especially then) and felt that God takes care of me.


A Better Life

A Better Life The fact is, we don't always get THAT PARTICULAR bicycle, car, money or job or relationship, or whatever THING. What we DO get from the practice [of the "secret"] is a better life in general, both for ourselves and those around us. No specific possession or life situation will generate these qualities but these qualities DO create opportunities for greater experience. They also create greater awareness of opportunities.

"The Secret" doesn't a guarantee that we'll live to be 118 and never be sick. It does guarantee us a life of joy and abundance regardless of our situation.


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