Reader Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain

Reader Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain Living with chronic pain means developing lots of little tricks and practices that help bring into every day a sense of calm, well-being, and, hopefully, release from pain. With suggestions ranging from attitude adjustments to food choices to holistic healing techniques, Beliefnet's readers have shared these eight tips for living a full life even when pain rears its head.

Surround Yourself with Joy

Surround Yourself with Joy I try to surround myself with people who are enthusiastic and upbeat to combat any depression that may try to set in. Also, I have lost a lot of weight so that I don't have the extra weight to carry around.

Write it Out, Ask for Help

Write it Out, Ask for Help Journal writing is so therapeutic, I write until my hands hurt from typing so much. I've also found that there is no shame in asking for help. At one time I thought I knew everything, could fix anything, no problem. But then I let my pain dictate my days, weeks, and every waking moment. I will not live like that anymore; I don't have to.

Do Your Homework

Do Your Homework Research your pain and refuse to take less than the truth from your caregivers and doctors. Don't ever just take someone's word for what is going on inside of you. Be your own best medical advocate by being armed with the most up-to-date treatments and medications available for your condition, and then seek to show others a way to live even if you feel like you are dying.

Try A Bowl of Cherries

Try a Bowl of Cherries Cherries, whether sweet cherries, pie cherries, dried cherries, or juice, will help lower your pain and boost your mobility. I was amazed at how much it helped.

Practice Gratitude

Practice Gratitude I guess it's a matter of just accepting my situation and being grateful for the meds, as well as all the other blessings that the Lord has so graciously given me.

Embrace Holistic Techniques

Embrace Holistic Techniques Please think about finding a good acupuncturist, therapist, acupressure practitioner, or trying something new to help you get better. We cannot do it by ourselves, we must be open to new ways of healing, something that will work if given enough time.

Soak Away Pain

Soak Away Pain I have learned that taking care of myself first is of utmost importance. Long, hot baths are becoming my best friends as they relax me and take out some of the hurt for awhile.

Pray, Live, Laugh

Pray, Live, Laugh We all must find something we want to live for, strive for, and when you are sick those thoughts are easy to toss aside, Prayer and perseverance must prevail. Maintaining a sense of humor is also helpful, don't you think?

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