My Heroes

One resolution I'm making this year is to surround myself with the people I most admire and respect. So first I had to list them and what they've taught me.

All of the following people have endured their share of hardships and then some. But they managed to climb to the surface as stronger, more loving human beings. My goal is to imitate them, however poorly, if only for a minute here or there.

Michael Leach (co-editor with me of two books, my mentor, and foster dad): "Always err on the side of compassion."

Carleen Suttman (my high school religion teacher): "Anything is possible if you take it one day at a time."

Deacon Leroy Moore (responsible for converting Eric to Catholicism!): "The gospel is really about having coffee with people you love."

Father Dave Schlaver (a missionary in Bangladesh who helped me meet Mother Teresa): "Service work begins at home."

My mom: "This too shall pass."

Betty Moore (the 82-year-old wife of my 85-year-old running partner, which should give you an idea of my pace): "Think positive. And when you can't, think positive some more."

Father Joe Girzone (the priest who inspired me to write): "Live and write like a bulldozer in low gear, plowing through all the mess that's in front of you."

Phyllis Kaminski (my theology professor at Saint Mary's College): "Life is about learning how to maneuver in the gray."

Ann Omohundro (my guardian angel and first bipolar friend): "The deeper your sorrow, the greater your joy."

Who are your heroes?

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