LEMON: Antidote to What Ails You

While we might believe that life is a linear journey, for most of us, it is a circuitous event. There are hills, valleys, twists and turns, set backs and leaps forward. There are the 'plum' experiences, and then, there are the 'lemons.'

We love the delicious plums, don't we? Sweet and juicy! They're easy to embrace and enjoy.

The lemons of life are actually more of a challenge, yes? And with challenge comes opportunity for change. YAY!!! We love opportunity!!! (Feeling more excited about the lemons in your life, already, yes?)

Now, I don't know what is going on in your life, but I am going to out on a limb and presume that there is at least one 'lemon' floating through it. One 'lemon' that you can, today, transform into a glass of delicious, soul satisfying lemonade.

What is a lemon?

A lemon is a citrus fruit whose exact origins remain a mystery, although it is widely believed that lemons first grew in India, northern Burma and China. In South and Southeast Asia lemons were primarily know for their antiseptic properties, and they were used as an antidote for various poisons.

A lemon can be your antidote to what ails you.

For instance, we were planning on a vacation but the economy threw us (hurled and hit is more like it) a lemon the size of a grapefruit. Instead of going to some exotic place, we are staying home. Now, I could suck on that lemon and feel like something was taken away from me ... or I can add ingredients to the lemon and turn it around.

What to do? I made a list of all my in-town friends, put together a list of free events in the city, and I invited some to one event; some to another - hosted a potluck dinner at my house and had the best time connecting with friends with whom I otherwise struggle to find time to see. I filled my week with fun activities and fabulous friends. Truthfully, in lots of ways, it was better than a trip! No jet lag involved!!!

In keeping with the theme (you know, I do LOVE a theme!), I whipped up a blender full of lemonade for everyone! Here's my recipe!

Keeping It Healthy - Lemonade. Instead of using sugar in your lemonade recipe, substitute 4 apples to 1/4 lemon, peel and all! Through into your food processor. Wowzer. Lemonade without sugar!!!! How exciting is that????

Spread the word ... NOT the icing!

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