Job Stress Triggers Depression in Men

I know my title sounds sexist. Like men are the only ones working. HELLO??!!! Job stress triggers depression in women, too! BUT research suggests that job stress is often the primary trigger for depression in men, whereas relationship stress (you know, F-E-E-L-I-N-G-S) is Bad Boy Number One in the female brain. Men, more often than women, use their salary as a measuring stick for how much they are worth. If their compensation drops, so does their self-esteem and feelings of self-respect. Here's what has to say on this matter:

Everyone is susceptible to depression in the wake of a major life stress, such as the end of an important relationship, the death of a loved one, moving or financial problems.

Some research suggests that for men, job-related stress may also play an important role in male depression. Some job characteristics that may be associated with male depression include:

* Lack of control over your responsibilities
* Unreasonable demands for performance
* Conflicts with supervisors or co-workers
* Lack of job security
* Night-shift work
* Excessive overtime
* More time than you'd like spent away from home
* Wages that don't reflect the level of responsibility

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