Jesus for Non-Christians

Just because they're not Christians doesn't mean Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, and Hindus have nothing to say about Jesus.

What do other faiths believe about Jesus? Take a look at Christianity's founder through the eyes of:


Jesus and Buddha as Brothers
Understanding compassion in each faith. By Thicht Nhat Hahn

The Parallel Sayings
Comparing gospel passages with Buddhist wisdom.

Where Buddha and Jesus Meet
Reviews of recent books on Buddhist-Christian dialogue.


Jesus as Yogi
Hindu views on Jesus and reincarnation. By Arthur Magida

Did Jesus Spend His Lost Years in India?
Beliefnet members debate the evidence.

Gandhi's Imitation of Christ
The world's most famous Hindu became t
he greatest exemplar of the Sermon on the Mount. By HarrisWofford

The "Tomb of Jesus" in Kashmir
Researcher seeks permission to exhume a body in northern India.


Why Jews Don't Accept Jesus
Jews see Jesus as one of the great teachers of humanity, but neither a messiah nor a god. By Rabbi David Wolpe

Embracing the Jewishness of Jesus
Judaism shaped and formed Jesus of Nazareth. Christian leaders should focus on this as they try to heal old wounds. By Bishop John Shelby Spong


Prophet of Mercy
In the Muslim view, Jesus' actions and words illustrate the merciful side of God's nature.

Checklist: Muslim and Christian Beliefs About Jesus Compared
Both faiths believe Jesus was born to a virgin, but the New Testament and the Qur'an diverge on his later years.

Unitarian Universalists

Five UU Perspectives on Jesus
First and foremost, Unitarians emphasize Jesus' human nature.


Can You Be Both Wiccan and Christian?
A third party weighs the possibility.

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